Exceptional Service You Can Count On

Regular professional cleaning removes odors, helps lessen allergies and lengthens the life of your carpets!

Environmentally safe and non-toxic to pets, our professional cleaning solution and system pulls up dirt, dander, hair and grime, leaving your carpets clean and fresh!

Our services include:

Deep Carpet Cleaning

Upholstery & Rug Cleaning

Stubborn Stain Treatment

Ready for clean, fresh-smelling carpets?

Spills Happen.

Acting fast is key to preventing long-term damage. Here are our recommended spot treatment steps.

1) Act quickly. If you treat your carpet stain immediately, there's a 99% chance you'll be able to remove it.

2) Use tap water first. Surprisingly, most stains can be removed with plain tap water. Use a clean, white cloth, press, and repeat.

3) Blot, don't scrub. Scrubbing a stain can result in fuzzy, damaged carpet fibers. Be sure to blot from the outside in.

4) Try vinegar or club soda. If water doesn't do the trick, use equal parts white vinegar and club soda.

5) Home spotter to the rescue! When all else fails, our specially formulated Home Pro Spotter solution can get the job done!

6) Call in the professionals. If all else fails, give us a call. The sooner you reach out, the better chance you have of avoiding permanent damage.